Fashion illustration or figurative art?

Fashion illustration is an inspiration for these prints. I do not consider these prints fashion illustration per se , rather contemporary figurative art with style in mind.Fine art and fashion illustration by Irina V. Ivanova
see more of Irina Ivanova’s fashion inspired art at

~ by Fashion Artist on March 3, 2008.

14 Responses to “Fashion illustration or figurative art?”

  1. these look pretty stunning, great stylisation and interesting details!

  2. definitely fashion illustration

    Stylishly Yours!

  3. i like your design… IT’S AMAZING!

  4. realy beautiful creativ work……..different……

  5. cool to have it ………

  6. i love it….its so unique

  7. lovely sketches.
    ART is wondefull
    i liked it very much.

  8. cute work

  9. very innovative

  10. so good sketches…….

  11. Sooooo different……..but i like it

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  13. very different..ㅡㅡ.

  14. Great Inspiration!

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